Ash Wednesday – March 5 at 6:00PM
We receive ashes on our foreheads as a sign of mortality and also hope.
Lenten Study – Wednesdays at 5:00PM
On Wednesdays from 5:00 – 6:00 PM in the library. Beginning March 5, Ash Wednesday. Following the Lenten booklet, Life Renewed. Sign up here to let us know you are interested.
Holden Evening Prayer – Wednesdays at 6:00PM
On Wednesdays at 6:00PM following the Lenten study. Beginning March 5, Ash Wednesday.
Palm Sunday – April 13 at 10:15AM
We will start outside with palms and process into our sanctuary as part of the passion reading. Palms are symbols of honor, and respect just like flags today. People were filled with joy to see Jesus enter Jerusalem.
Maundy Thursday – April 17 at 6:00PM
We will recall Jesus instituting communion and at the end of the service we witness stripping the altar preparing for Jesus death on the cross. Come to see and see that the Lord is good.
Good Friday – April 18 at 6:00PM
We remember Jesus suffering and death on the cross for our sins.
Easter Worship – April 20 at 10:15AM
Festive celebration of Jesus’s resurrection and our gift of eternal life. There will be an easter cross displayed with flowers representing life victorious over death. Please bring some fresh flowers to decorate the cross.
Easter Egg Hunt after Worship
The preschool playground will be the spot for hiding and finding eggs. The Easter egg hiding will take place from 9:00 – 10:00 AM. The hunt will begin after our worship service. Bring a basket with you. This year like before we will offer empty eggs to members of St. Mark to take home, fill with goodies and bring back to church. Thank you for your help.
Easter Flower Donation
Let the office know if you would like to donate flowers in memory or dedication to someone. Please donate $20 toward the flowers. The money will be used to buy flowers and to support the music ministry.