Children's Moment

Currently, you can visit us In-Person or on our Facebook or YouTube pages Sundays at 10:15AM to join us in worship and communion. Please visit our Online Worship page to access the past online services.

Our weekly worship service is held Sunday mornings at 10:15, and usually lasts until 11:30. Other special services are held throughout the year, but all of our services follow the same basic format. Christian worship is a work of all the people who want to be formed and renewed as disciples. We experience God’s grace, we rejoice and we find new strength to go out to love and serve God.

Our service is traditional and intimate, reverent and joyful. We use the ELW Red hymnal, listen to the choir sing, often enjoy the brass playing, and invite all who have musical gifts to share them with us.

We gather in the welcome area and often chat and get to know each other before the voice of the organ reminds us that worship is starting. At the sanctuary door there are always two ushers who give out bulletins that have the service order.

In our beautiful sanctuary, you sit facing the altar and the cross that shows the resurrected Christ in a joyful and colorful light of glory. Our services have two main parts: listening to the word of God and receiving God’s means of grace through the sacraments. All other parts of the service supports our hearing and experiencing God’s healing grace.

All of our services feature reading, preaching, prayer, and music. You will be invited to stand, sing, pray, greet your neighbor, be in silence, or read responsively. All the words that we say are printed in your bulletin. The congregation says the words printed in bold letters. The hymn numbers that we will sing refer to the numbers in the red hymnals that are stored under the seat of the pew in front of you.

A Children's Moment is offered near the beginning of worship. Children come forward after the Opening Hymn to hear a special message just for them. After the Children's Moment, children are welcome to stay for the worship service.

We have an open communion table - ALL of God’s people are welcome, without restriction. If you have difficulty going to the altar to receive communion, just let the ushers know and the pastor will come and bring you bread and wine where you are seated.

During our service, we practice receiving an offering to support the church’s ministries. We welcome all our gifts as a sign of thankfulness to what we first received from God. Your offering supports the ministries of the church.

Worship services and events at St. Mark sometimes photographed and recorded. If you do not wish to be included in these recordings, please notify an usher.