What happens during church?
As you enter the church, a friendly usher will greet you and give you a bulletin to guide you through the service. All of our services feature reading, preaching, prayer, and music. At times, you will be invited to stand, sing, pray, greet your neighbor, be in silence, or read responsively. Though similar in important ways, each service has its own style and flavor. Communion is offered at all Worship services each week. Our communion table is open to everyone—baptized or not, confessed or not, sure or not, saint or sinner or a little of both. At all of our services we maintain the ancient Christian practice of receiving an offering to support the church’s ministries. We welcome your gifts and encourage everyone to live a life marked by generosity. If you are unable to give financially, please consider an offering of time or talent to the church, another organization, or a neighbor in need.
Worship services and events are sometimes photographed and recorded to document the vibrant life of our church. If you do not wish to be included in these recordings, please notify an usher for assistance.
Do you offer nursery or Sunday School?
Children are always welcome. Activity bags are available at the entrance where children can gather and play and read children books. We offer Sunday School at 9 a.m., after which children join for worship. At the beginning of the service, children are invited to come up for a short children’s time, and parents may accompany their children to the altar. We do not currently have a nursery. Our church also has a preschool where children grow in knowledge and spirituality.
What should I wear?
Some people come dressed in their Sunday best. Others dress more casually. Either way, we believe that God cares more about the state of our hearts than the state of our attire, and encourage you to dress the way that feels most appropriate to you.
How long do services last?
Our 10:15 Worship Service lasts about an hour.
Is there a coffee hour or fellowship time after church?
After each worship service, our care team prepares a fellowship and refreshments. We invite you to stay for a good conversation, snack or beverage, and make some new friends!
Through the sacrament of Christian baptism, our young ones are affirmed as children of God and welcomed into the circle of Christ’s church. Baptism is offered throughout the year.