Event details
- Sunday | September 9, 2018
- 11:30 am
MINISTRY FAIR! Come and learn about engaging in Christian ministry at St. Mark on September 9 after worship. Stop at our tables and sign up to learn more about supporting and participating with these groups. We are all called for service regardless of our age or ability because God works through every one of us. Ministries that will be represented are:
Habitat for Humanity (Bill Roberts)
Loaves & Fishes (Bill Roberts)
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank (Carolyn Rader)
SERRV (Rich Leahy)
Equal Exchange coffee (Christa Escobar)
PACEM (Heidi Jones)
Thrivent (TBD)
Lutheran Family Services (Marcy Wisbauer)
Love, INC (TBD)
Cville Pride Festival (Laurel McClurken)