Rally Day
Sunday, September 10, is our rally day. We will give thanks and bless all the teachers, students and parents in the congregation, including our preschool teachers.
Saturday, September 16, we will plan a gardening day at the church for God’s Work Our Hands.
We will have a Youth Ministry/Confirmation planning meeting in the church library on August 19 at 11 AM.
An Ice Cream Social after worship on Sunday August 6th to celebrate the success of our Christmas in July event.
The Rev. Robert F. Humphrey will be at our service on Sunday August 27. It will be the last service as a retiring bishop.
5:30PM study together with the help of Water & Spirit: Devotions for Lent 2023 6PM Holden Evening Prayer
Please join us online at any time that day to worship the New Born King.
We remember Jesus suffering and death on the cross for our sins.
We will recall Jesus instituting communion and at the end of the service we witness stripping the altar preparing for Jesus death on the cross. Come to see and see […]
We receive ashes on our foreheads as a sign of mortality and also hope.