We gather weekly from September to June for 2 hours. Confirmation is a two-year program that culminates on Pentecost in the second year when we celebrate the youth completing the program and becoming adults in faith.
St. Mark follows a two-year curriculum. The class is led by our pastor and lay leaders. We use a combination of different teaching resources and experiences, including:
- Martin Luther’s Small Catechism
- The Bible (each student receives a Bible at the start of the program)
- Discipleship: How to talk about faith with others
- Movie nights with thought-provoking discussions
- Workshops and field visits to diverse faith communities
- Prayer workshops to explore different forms of prayer
- Cooking together
Martin Luther’s Small Catechism includes explanations and scripture references for the basics of Christian faith: the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles’ Creed, the sacraments of Baptism and Communion, and Confession and Absolution.
The confirmation program includes participation in confirmation classes as well as engagement in Sunday worship services.
Contact office@stmarklutheran.com for more info about our Confirmation program.