We support parents, who are the best ministers to their children! We proclaim that children are loved unconditionally by God and are welcomed at the Lord’s Table. We believe that children are full members of the body of Christ. We are committed to fulfilling our baptismal promises. We keep children safe—spiritually, physically, and emotionally. We are Christ-centered.

Sunday School is led by Beverley Mackey whenever we have children who would like to gather. Traditionally, Sunday School meets on Sunday mornings at 9 AM to listen to a Bible story, talk about faith on the child’s level, share snacks, make crafts, pray, and sing.

Children’s Time, led by the pastor, takes place during worship at large festivals such as Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas. Children are invited, along with their parents, to gather at the front for a short lesson and prayer.

Worship bags are available for use during the service. These bags can be found in the coat area hanging on the wall. Please feel free to take one for your child. We not only welcome but also encourage parents to bring their children to the service, and we welcome the joyful noise they bring to the sanctuary. Getting used to church life and the parts of the service is a good beginning to faith.

Communion is without age limit. During the service, children of any age are invited to come up for communion and receive bread and a blessing. Please let the pastor know if it is okay for your child to receive the body of Christ. We trust that even the smallest children can understand God’s love and grace on their level, and they should be part of the table fellowship of Christ.

Contact office@stmarklutheran.com for more info about Children's Ministry.